She started as a meek Russian immigrant...
and is now a naturalized, right wing whacko American.
At the least, old school conservative.
You too can have your own "VERY.FAVORITE.GUN."
$625, Saiga-12, delivered
$167 worth of "group buy" parts, over a year ago-included Tapco Trigger, hammer & sear, ACE Stock and ACE Folding Mechanism
$50 (delivered) of Tromix DIY Trigger Guard
and about $200 worth of MD20 drum (not pictured.)
Good thing I owed myself a DuraCoat job, or this would have got pricey.
I'm still down around $90 in muzzlebrake and $125$235 in forearm, once I decide- then I'll need a sling. Luckily, the 4-position gas plug is coming as a freebie.
All I have to complain about is the godforsaken BHO spring- what a pain that was to figure out. The shepherds crook was semi-worthless; this one gets 3/16" e-clips until I locate a metal crook.
Anyone have any leads?
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